Why You Should Start Your Amazon Business This Month?


Are you planning to start your amazon business this year? If yes then you are in most important weeks of planning.
We are about to enter into festive season in India which starts from 15th August sales and goes up to 14th Feb Valentine sales.

This festive season helps to propel online business of new sellers.

1. Join AMZ Blast & Start Formalities (July last week – Aug first week)

  • Start formalities in July so by first week of August you will have all the formalities done.
  • Simultaneously understand business process and shortlist your product.
  • Talk to mentors and upon their approval you are all set for order first stock.

2. Launch Your First Product (Mid-August)

  • Order your first product in 1st week or August 2017.
  • In 2nd week you will receive product from manufacturer.
  • Launch your product on Amazon in second week only.

3. Steady Sells of First Product, Add 2nd Product (August 2017)

  • For first 2 weeks, watch sells and improves it better with our suggested strategy.
  • Start to look for second product and invest in second product.
  • Add 2nd product by end of August.

4. Add 2 More Products in October

  • Add 2 more products in 犀利士
    inventory in this very first week.
  • Now you will already have 3-4 products in inventory.
  • We will roll out final strategy to boost sells and target larger user numbers during festival season.
  • Enjoy first mega sell during Dussehra sales.

5. Follow Our Final Strategy for Festival Months

  • Target to add 2 more products in very first week of November.
  • Prepare for product stocking, FBA formalities and sells.
  • Prepare gift, discount and giveaway strategy to boost sells during festival season.

6. Enjoy Bumper Sells during Festival

  • With 5-6 products and complete strategy, you are all set for bumper sales.
  • Keep monitoring sells and restock product before getting out of stock.

Join Us Today And Start Your Own Business!

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