Trademark Your Amazon Brand 2024 : Everything You Need to Know About IP India Search


Ever dream of seeing your brand on Amazon, standing out among the big names? Are you an Amazon seller looking to enhance your brand’s credibility and protect your listings?


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Starting your Amazon business with a trademark can make that dream come true! With a registered trademark, no one can hijack your listing, and you can establish your brand identity. It also allows you to create A+ content and get access to Amazon’s Brand Registry, which boosts your credibility and visibility.

Why Trademark Your Brand?

Imagine this: you’ve poured your heart and soul into crafting a unique brand. Suddenly, copycats pop up, diluting your brand identity and potentially harming your reputation. A registered trademark is your shield against such imposters.



Registering a trademark is a crucial step to ensure your private label brand stands out and remains protected.

Why Register a Trademark?

  1. Brand Protection: Protect your brand name, logo, and unique elements from being copied by others.
  2. Amazon Brand Registry: Required for access to powerful brand-building tools and increased control over listings.
  3. Fight Counterfeits: Easier to take action against fake products and intellectual property infringements.
  4. Credibility: Signals to customers that you’re serious about your brand and its reputation.
  5. Exclusive Rights: Prevents others from using similar branding that could confuse customers.
  6. Legal Protection: Provides a strong legal basis for enforcing your rights against infringers.
  7. Market Differentiation: Helps your brand stand out in the crowded Amazon marketplace.

How AMZBlast Can Help

At AMZBlast, we streamline the trademark registration process with the help of our Chartered Accountants (CAs). Simply provide us with the necessary documents, and we’ll handle the rest.

  • Quick Application: Get your trademark number within a week.
  • Full Registration: While the ™ symbol is quick to obtain, the ® symbol might take up to six months due to potential objections. If objections arise, we’ll help you reapply to ensure you get the protection you need.

For any questions or assistance, please contact us at:


How to Check if Brand Name is Available

STEP 1: Visit the Official Website of the Intellectual Property India (IPIndia):



STEP 2: Click on “Public Search”:

This section allows you to search for existing trademarks in India’s database. Look for a link or tab labeled “Public Search” or “Trademark Search.”



STEP 3: Search Options:

The search options might vary, but you can typically search by keyword, class number, or application number.




Finding the Trademark Class:

Trademark Classification System: While searching existing trademarks, familiarize yourself with the classification system used in India.

Searching for Class 21 Trademarks for Kitchen Items

To find the specific class under which kitchen items can be trademarked, you can use the TM class tool provided by the EUIPO

Class 21 includes:

  • Household or kitchen utensils and containers
  • Cookware and tableware, except forks, knives, and spoons
  • Combs and sponges
  • Brushes, except paintbrushes
  • Brush-making materials
  • Articles for cleaning purposes
  • Unworked or semi-worked glass, except building glass
  • Glassware, porcelain, and earthenware​

Step-by-Step Guide to Trademark Process

1. Search:

  • Check for existing trademarks to avoid conflicts.
  • This saves time and money in the long run.

2. Application:

  • Fill out the TM-A form with details like:
    • Trademark name
    • Logo (if applicable)
    • Goods/services category
    • Your information
  • File online or offline.
  • Pay government fees.

3. Formality Check:

  • The Trademark Registry reviews your application for completeness.
  • “Pass” means you’re good to go.
  • “Fail” requires you to fix errors with a TM-M form and fee.

4. Vienna Codification (Logos Only):

  • If you have a logo, it may go through a system to assign a unique international code.

5. Examination:

  • A Trademark Officer checks your application against the Trademark Act:
    • Distinctiveness: Is your trademark unique, not just describing your goods/services?
    • Similarity: Does it look too similar to existing trademarks, potentially confusing consumers?
    • Deception: Is it misleading in any way?

6. Examination Report:

  • You’ll receive one of three outcomes:
    • Accepted: You’ve passed this stage!
    • Objected: The Officer found issues based on the Trademark Act. You’ll need to address them within a specific timeframe.
    • Advertised: Your application might be publicly advertised for potential oppositions.

7. Opposition (Optional):

  • If someone challenges your trademark, you’ll defend your application.

8. Registration:

  • If your application successfully goes through all stages, you’ll receive a registration certificate, valid for ten years and renewable.

Tips for a Successful Trademark

  • Choose a Unique Name: Ensure your trademark is distinctive to avoid complications and make it easier to protect.
  • Seek Help from a Trademark Attorney: They can guide you through the intricacies of the process.
  • Monitor the Status of Your Application Regularly: Stay informed.
  • Respond Promptly to Any Communication from the Trademark Registry: Don’t leave them hanging.


Q: How can I prevent someone from jumping onto my Amazon listing?

A: Registering your trademark is the first step. It gives you the legal right to take action against unauthorized sellers using your brand.

Q: Do I really need a trademark on Amazon?

A: Yes! A registered trademark protects your brand from copycats and builds trust with your customers, ensuring your brand stands out on Amazon.

Q: What happens if my application is objected to?

A: If the Trademark Officer objects to your application, you’ll need to address the objections within a specific timeframe to proceed.

Q: Can I use the TM symbol after filing my application?

A: Yes, you can use the TM symbol next to your brand name, logo, or design once you’ve filed your trademark application.

Key Legal Terms:

  • Trademark: A word, symbol, or design used to identify your goods/services and distinguish them from others.
  • TM-A: The official application form for trademark registration.
  • Formality Check: The initial review of your application for completeness.
  • Vienna Codification: A system for assigning international codes to logos.
  • Examination: The detailed review of your application against the Trademark Act.
  • Examination Report: The official outcome of the examination, including acceptance, objections, or advertisement.
  • Opposition: A challenge to your trademark registration by another party.
  • Registration Certificate: The official document confirming your trademark ownership, valid for ten years.

By following this guide and putting in a bit of effort, you can secure your brand’s rightful place in the market.

A registered trademark is an investment in your brand’s future – go forth and protect it.

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